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...One boy’s dreamCodey ~ Future Lord of the Universe |
Welcome to Codey’s World
Click Here to Visit the Codey’s World Forums.
The Codey’s World Forums have joined the AwesomeDude Forums.
Read About How to Participate in Our Forums Here.
Authors & Their Stories |
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“Don’t just take time to stop and smell the roses,
plant a few for those who can’t find any on their path.”
— Codey 1990 – 2007.
New This Week (02/06/2024)
From our archive: Stories and poems that we think you’ll enjoy reading again — or for the first time.
Our Story Collections
Friendly SitesWe have LGBTQ+ Student Resources &
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Previous Story Postings
We’re always looking for stories for Codey’s World!
We can use serial novels, novellas, short stories, and flash fiction,
anything that meets our submission guidelines.
If you’re an author who has previously submitted a story or poem to
Codey’s World,
we invite you to submit again.
If you’re a new author, and you have something you’d like to submit, let us know.
The Codey’s World Forums have joined the AwesomeDude Forums.
There are four subforums:
1. Codey’s World Updates
Regular weekly updates about stories and authors available at
This is the one subforum that’s complete and up to date.
2. Author Discussions
A place to discuss stories and poems from CodeysWorld Authors.
3. Read Anything Good Lately?
A place to tell us about a good story or poem from other than CodeysWorld.
4. Rants, Raves, Musings, and Whatever
Here’s where you can comment about anything and everything, including birthday congratulations.
In these subforums you will be able to read all the topics and posts without becoming a member of
If you want to reply to a post or create a new topic, you’ll need to be a memeber of AwesomeDude.
If you're not already a member you can join by clicking here.
It's easy, and all we need is your username (which you invent), your email address,
and a password (which you invent) for your CW/AD Forums account.
We encourage you to join and participate in the Codey’s World and AwesomeDude Forums.
The Codey’s World site,,
includes new stories and new authors.
It is the same site where you've always read great stories and poems.
If you’re a Codey’s World author, or would like to be a Codey’s World author,
go to our Submissions page here.
Make sure your story meets our submissions policy and format requirements.
Then you can submit your story using the email link on the Submissions page.
AwesomeDude and Codey’s World have been partners
bringing you some of the best stories and poems to read, for free, on the internet.
Your donations to AwesomeDude will keep both sites online.
Look for the Donate button at the top of the AwesomeDude Home page.
If you have comments, suggestions, or complaints, send them to us at